3 Creations
    0 Following
    Gender (Female)
Body Type (Overweight Above average weight, more body fat BMI Range > 30)
Head Shape (Heart-shaped: The head is wider at the temples and narrows down to a pointed chin.)
Hair Color (Red: Hair color that appears as various shades of red, ranging from strawberry blonde to deep burgundy.)
Hair Texture (Silky: Hair texture characterized by hair strands that are smooth, soft, and glossy, resembling silk.)
Hair Length (Long: Hair length that extends past the shoulders, up to mid-back.)
Hair Volume (Flat: Hair that lies close to the scalp, with little to no volume.)
Hair Styling (Updo: Hair styled upwards and secured, often for formal occasions.)
Face Shape (Round: Soft, curved lines with a width similar to the length. Prominent cheeks.)
Ear Shape (Detached earlobes: Ears where the earlobe hangs freely away from the side of the head.)
Forehead Shape (Round: Forehead with a rounded shape, lacking angularity.)
Eyebrow Shape (High: Eyebrows positioned higher on the brow bone.)
Eye Shape (Oval: Eyes with an elongated shape, wider in the center and tapering towards the ends.)
Nose Shape (Aquiline: Nose with a high, curved bridge and prominent tip.)
Cheek Shape (High: Cheeks positioned higher on the face, creating a more defined contour.)
Mouth Shape (Thin: Mouth with narrow lips and minimal fullness.)
Chin Shape (Round: Chin with a gentle, curved shape, lacking distinct angles.)
Clothing (skin tight silver catsuit, bodysuit)
    Gender (Female)
Body Type (Overweight Above average weight, more body fat BMI Range > 30)
Head Shape (Heart-shaped: The head is wider at the temples and narrows down to a pointed chin.)
Hair Color (Red: Hair color that appears as various shades of red, ranging from strawberry blonde to deep burgundy.)
Hair Texture (Silky: Hair texture characterized by hair strands that are smooth, soft, and glossy, resembling silk.)
Hair Length (Long: Hair length that extends past the shoulders, up to mid-back.)
Hair Volume (Flat: Hair that lies close to the scalp, with little to no volume.)
Hair Styling (Updo: Hair styled upwards and secured, often for formal occasions.)
Face Shape (Round: Soft, curved lines with a width similar to the length. Prominent cheeks.)
Ear Shape (Detached earlobes: Ears where the earlobe hangs freely away from the side of the head.)
Forehead Shape (Round: Forehead with a rounded shape, lacking angularity.)
Eyebrow Shape (High: Eyebrows positioned higher on the brow bone.)
Eye Shape (Oval: Eyes with an elongated shape, wider in the center and tapering towards the ends.)
Nose Shape (Aquiline: Nose with a high, curved bridge and prominent tip.)
Cheek Shape (High: Cheeks positioned higher on the face, creating a more defined contour.)
Mouth Shape (Thin: Mouth with narrow lips and minimal fullness.)
Chin Shape (Round: Chin with a gentle, curved shape, lacking distinct angles.)
Clothing (skin tight silver catsuit, bodysuit)