A steampunk- style mechanical flamingo made entirely of various gears, cogs, and intricate metal parts. The flamingo is standing on one leg in a classic pose, with its other leg tucked close to its body. It has detailed mechanical feathers created from layered gears and metallic textures, giving it an elegant and industrial look. The flamingo stands in a shallow pool of oil instead of water, with the reflective surface of the oil creating a shimmering effect around its legs. The scene is set in a slightly darkened industrial environment with soft lighting highlighting the metallic details of the flamingo and the viscous texture of the oil. background: a thicket of intertwined copper tubing Resolution: High detail/UHD
Low quality, blurry, cartoonish, overly saturated colors, organic materials, clean polished metals without wear, shiny plastic textures, modern minimalist design, symmetrical gears, repetitive patterns, animals or creatures made of non-mechanical parts, realistic water instead of oil, bright neon colors, cluttered background, people or faces, abstract shapes, lack of detail in mechanical parts, overly futuristic or sci-fi elements unrelated to steampunk, overly dark or washed-out lighting, unrealistic proportions, flying or animated flamingo, unnatural poses, visible humans or human-like figures, floating objects, chaotic composition, overly bright or distracting reflections, clean or sterile environments, absence of oil texture, symmetrical or overly geometric designs, lack of depth or flat perspective, exaggerated movements, overly smooth surfaces, absence of weathering or rust effects, overly simplistic or abstract representations