4 members of a D&D party: a narrow bodied, winged male imp artificer leads the others down a narrow dungeon hall lined with statues of gnolls of great notoriety. Behind him. A tall awkward looking elven necromancer lights the way with a glimmering ghostly willow willowisp floating around his outstretched hand. They are flanked by a human female barbarian with a greataxe poised to attack and a tattooed halfing male ranger with an arrow ready in his crossbow
Ugly penis, conjoined bodies, deformed penis, poorly rendered penis, cropped, boring, old, fat, too many penises on one body, disembodied phallus, penis without glans, penis without scrotum, bulbous penis, penis coming out of mouth, penis coming out of butthole, diphilactic genitals, misplaced penis, missing penis