[(extremely Highly Detailed photographic), (Wes Craven's Shocker horror film poster), (psychologically unsetlling), ((Bald, cleanshaven man, with an intense, excited expression, baring his teeth), (looking directly at the viewer), (he is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit), (a metal bowl is strapped to the top of his head), (wires and a cable run vertically from the ceiling into the metal bowl strapped to the man's head), (he is sitting in an (electric chair) with his wrists strapped to the arms of the (electric chair), (( arcs of electricity and sparks are seen surrounding the man, including his head, electrical plasma arcs emmit outwards)), ((above him, the text "Do it! Buzz Me!" is seen in large legible metalic font) (the word "Do" and the word "it!" are seen printed on the top) (the word "Buzz" and the word "Me!" are seen printed on the bottom))