More prompts from Екатерина Нохрина

    илья руокводитель отдела продаж молодой человек
    Draw an attractive logo for a small shopping gallery, draw like an artist, think like a marketer
    фотография форума на тему цифровизации бизнеса где сидят люди в зале и слушают выступление спикера
    Create a bright and modern illustration for the news about the forum. The image should have:

Business people who symbolize the forum participants (managers, specialists).

Elements of digital technologies (for example, graphs, diagrams, digital screens with data).

A futuristic backdrop that conveys the idea of innovation and technology.
    workflow and the person who works with this program and has to drink to figure it out
    the director of the IT company is tall slender and gray-haired in the anime style
    девушка с рыжими кудрявыми волосами по грудь с маленьким размером груди с голубо-серым цветом глаз и веснушками 
В БЕЛЫХ штанах и футболке
    Create a bright and modern foto for the news about the forum. The image should have:

Business people who symbolize the forum participants (managers, specialists).

Elements of digital technologies (for example, graphs, diagrams, digital screens with data).

A futuristic backdrop that conveys the idea of innovation and technology.
    Animals play the Olympic Games in Paris
    изобрази мерч для сотрудников компании: вязаные перчатки в черном цвете
    Draw the corporate fees as they look
    event agency with the organizers of the party who hold the event for us constellation of stark groups
young girls are creative and talented
    draw a postcard for the tenth anniversary of the medical center on the postcard, depict something related to medicine and put the number 10
    Photo a futuristic Christmas tree with new technology to make the magic of the advanced technology of the future

place a lot of decorations and green balls on the Christmas tree, so that there is a Christmas tree in the dark and there are stars like magic.
    седовласый мужчина директор айти компании
    the director of the orphanage is a 50-year-old man with glasses
, an orphanage where everyone works on computers
draw him and a lot of children
    Draw an implementation department where three dozen people work, there are analysts, developers, there are two project managers and there are consultants, draw them in branded clothes with the logo of the green letter C
depict all Caucasians and so that all people enter the frame
    a photo of happy students holding books and flowers in the background is autumn and the university building is yellow in three floors with white columns
    a beautiful photo of a handshake so that there was a bank in the background and the magic of the handshake was
    corporate IT company in the forest among the pines where they behave like children, ride tarazankas, drink cocktails and everything is decorated with stars
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