More prompts from Екатерина Нохрина

    no code
    draw a postcard for the tenth anniversary of the medical center on the postcard, depict something related to medicine and put the number 10
    Photo a futuristic Christmas tree with new technology to make the magic of the advanced technology of the future

place a lot of decorations and green balls on the Christmas tree, so that there is a Christmas tree in the dark and there are stars like magic.
    photo on the day of the foundation of the university, which will depict students at a higher educational institution who gain knowledge successfully and all this happens in the future
    седовласый мужчина директор айти компании
    the department in the IT company where 7 orcs work and all of them are managed by the most important big orc and they all have computers
    a kaloboration of a company with an orange logo and a green one, and these two IT companies are friends
    corporate IT company in the forest among the pines where they behave like children, ride tarazankas, drink cocktails and everything is decorated with stars
    илья руокводитель отдела продаж молодой человек
    Animals play the Olympic Games in Paris
    draw how you see the drive
    Draw a woman's and a man's hand in a handshake in color in the style of advanced technology
    a department in an IT company where 30 programmers work and they are managed by a kind man of 50 years old with a potbelly without glasses and with a wonderful sense of humor
    Sales department 1 male head and 5 girls drink wine
    take a photo where a woman's hand shakes a man's, you only need the handshake itself
    IT is a СТАРКОВ Групп company that has five company values: trust, drive, potential disclosure, self-belief and creative creation
    Draw a birthday photo of a Russian power engineering company that designs, manufactures and maintains steam and gas turbines. draw the foreseeable future for this plant, show modern technologies and advanced innovations
    take a photo of branded clothing options for employees of an IT company with a logo, where a white letter is drawn In a green frame
    отдел продаж в айти компании 6 человек
    draw a poster about the film Dirt starring James McAvoy
    View more from Екатерина Нохрина